America’s 5G Moment of Truth
5G’s time has finally arrived, as it is becoming one of the most valuable tools in promoting American innovation and competitiveness in emerging technology. However, despite the growing importance of high-speed connectivity, the United States—which paced the world in developing so many other transformative technologies—is falling behind in the race to 5G.

Facts At-A-Glance
What will 5G make possible?
2G enabled texting, 3G enabled mobile web surfing, and 4G made possible applications like ride sharing and video streaming.
5G could add $2.2 trillion
to the global economy over the next 15 years, roughly 5.3% of gross world product growth, according to a GSMA Intelligence Report.
A 1.13 Gbps download speed
was demonstrated by a 2019 5G Speedtest, 11 times faster than 4G, and eventually, 5G could clock in at 100 times faster.