Double Down on Federal R&D for Breakthrough Energy Technologies
Many breakthrough energy technologies have promise, but they are currently being held back by cost, scalability, and performance hurdles. Significant new federal R&D funding in these areas could accelerate the timeframe for innovators to clear these hurdles.

Our Solutions In Brief

With increased funding, the Department of Energy would be able to explore and invest in several possible breakthrough energy technologies—with the potential to increase our supply of energy and to combat climate change—like carbon capture and storage, energy and battery storage, and next generation and modular nuclear reactors.
Facts At-A-Glance
264 Billion Barrels
The estimated amount of proven oil reserves in the United States
840,000 Americans
would be pushed into poverty if household energy costs went up just 10%
$15 Billion
Department of Energy funding for R&D and related activities in 2018
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